During 2022-23, we successfully provided the necessary mindset and skills to over 1,200 students for success in school, career, and life. We achieved this through our Leadership Series workshops and Success Session seminars.


  • Hosted eight Success Sessions at the University of Texas at Dallas
  • Completed 11 Leadership Series workshops
  • Delivered programming to 26 North Texas-area school campuses, representing six school districts
  • Produced outstanding student survey results (see below)


Our student survey results indicate that the participants internalized our success pillars. In 2022-23, at least 80% of the participants responded with “Strongly Agreed” or “Agreed” with the following statements related to their attendance at the Compelling Why Success Session:
  • 85%: The session positively impacted my attitude toward education.
  • 90%: Success in school is up to me – i.e., increased personal responsibility for actions and behavior.
  • 83%: I feel more motivated to succeed in school.
  • 86%: I understand how participating in extracurricular activities can help me reach my goals.

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