Reaching “students of prmoise” would not be possible without the help of community groups, educators and investors.
We need your help to encourage students to reach their goals and aspirations. Participation is easy. Just commit to staffing opportunity fairs and visiting with students. Be part of the village making a difference!
Past community partners include: Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID), All Stars Projects of Dallas, Big Thought, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas, Dallas County Promise, Journeyman Ink, New Friends New Life, Southern Methodist University, The University of North Texas at Dallas, The University of Texas at Dallas, and Volunteer Now.
Communities have the opportunity and responsibility to fill in when the system becomes overwhelmed. Like neighbors coming together to stem a pending flood with sand bags at the base of a levy, we have an obligation to plug the leaks that stand in the way of academic excellence.
(972) 839-8980
PO Box 742463
Dallas, TX 75374